water cooling

How Does “Water Cooling” Work On Phones?

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Smartphones are getting smarter each day. There is a flood of technology used in today’s smartphones. Manufacturing companies are making the smartphones super sophisticated.

This industry has seen a dramatic increase in the last few years. We have seen advanced technology like water cooling (liquid cooling), in display fingerprint scanner and other.

Phone overheating is a huge problem among the smartphone users. After using the phone it produces extra heat that can be felt on the back-side of the phone. More funny that some say that my phone can bake a cake.

Phone manufacturers have had to think outside the box to find a proper solution to keeping phones running cool. Water cooling seems to be that solution.

As it is a big problem, a lot of experiments was implemented to reduce the overheating problem. Finally, a solution came out in the form of water cooling.

water cooling
Source – Samsung

We have seen the water cooling technology in computers. A pipe like a system that brings the extra heat in the CPU and cool-down the whole system. You can see the liquid flow in the transparent pipe and can feel it.

But here is a big doubt. We agree that CPU has spaces to implement the whole system in it. But in the case of mobile phone there is very less (no) spaces. Water and phone are two born enemy. So how these are combined in a single unit.

So it seems impossible to implement such a system on the phone. But scientist made this possible.

But it’s not the same as the water cooling process used in PC. There isn’t actual liquid flowing through the system.

One question arises in mind that how water cooling system works in the phone?

How does water cooling work on phones?

Water cooling technology is a new technology in the field of the smartphone. There is hype in the market that this is the ultimate solution to the phone overheating problem.

But how water cooling works?

Phone manufacturer is making a lot of hype with this technology. When we talk about the “water cooling” in phones some phones came to mind. Galaxy Note 9, Lumia 950 XL and Pocophone F1 both using the feature to keep things running cool.

But those aren’t the first phones to use “water cooling” system. Samsung Galaxy S7 introduced this system first.

Let’s talk about the water cooling system used in Samsung Galaxy S7.

In the Galaxy S7, Samsung uses a copper thermal heat pipe to disperse heat away from the CPU. There is some liquid in this tube not enough to see if the tube is cut open. Many people have tested this when the phone was first released.

As the processor heats up, the liquid in the tube essentially vaporizes, keeping the CPU cool. The vapor then travels to the opposite end of the of the heat pipe. The opposite side of the pipe is cool so the vapor condenses back into liquid when cooled off. This whole process, paired with a carbon fiber TIM (Thermal Interface Material) is a very effective method of cooling phone hardware.

This was the old concept. Current smartphones use a similar system but in an advanced way. Samsung implements a “water carbon cooling system” in the Note 9.

water cooling

Samsung knows that the cooling system in S7 is effective but not sufficient enough. So in S9, It achieved this in two ways: by incorporating a wider thermal pipe and adding a layer of copper in between two thermal spreaders to transfer more amount of heat.

If you summarize the entire cooling system, it works in layers. Just above the processor, there is a layer of carbon fiber. You already know that carbon fiber is an excellent conductor of heat.

Below a thin piece of copper. Above this, there’s another type of unspecified thermal transfer material. It is assumed that it’s some type of silicone and then the copper thermal heat pipe. Just above the pipe is a thermal spreader to keep the heat from concentrating in one place.

The concept of water cooling is the same other phones. Perhaps not quite as sophisticated as Samsung Galaxy S9 but the basics should be roughly the same.

Now you may have a clear idea about how water cooling works. Let’s move forward.

Is water cooling system really reduces heat?

Phone overheating is a major issue among the users. So traditional cooling techniques are not effective.

Phone manufacturer has to take a major step to avoid this problem. As a result, the water cooling (liquid cooling) came.

water cooling
Water cooling in Pocophone F1

Some peoples are putting a question mark on the effectiveness of this technology.

To say frankly it definitely reduces the heat of the phone. This system pulls the extra heats from the processor and makes it cool. As the system is in the experimental phase, we can’t judge this. This system will be more effective and useful.


Everyone is cautious about the phone overheating. So we are one step closer to this technology.

Many time we may put the back cover out and place the phone ideal. This is the step we take when our phone is overheated. There are various resign of phone overheating.

Whatever may be the reason we have to find out the proper solution for it. The solution comes out in the form of water cooling technology.

As the technology is a little bit expensive, the phone embedded this is expensive. Flagship grade smartphones can afford this technology. So we can’t say that this a widely used technology.

As time goes on we may see the wide use of this technology. Smartphone makers are experimenting more and more in this field to overcome the overheating problem.

The technology may be varied in different on different phones, but the basic principle is the same.

If you get any value from this article, don’t forget to share this article with your friends. This is a new technology and let other be water cooling to the world.

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